Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Matthew Caffyn's will 1714

Matthew Caffyn wrote his will (transcript below) on the 26th April 1714 and was buried in Itchingfield on the 10th June.

Matthew and Elizabeth Caffyn had a large family, given their Baptist beliefs the children were not baptised so we cannot be sure when they were born or in what order.  Those not mentioned in his will include:
Son Joseph who had died in 1689 and is also buried in Itchingfield churchyard (he may be the father of another Joseph but Matthew does not mention him in his will).
Daniel (whose wife Kath was mentioned in the will) died shortly before Matthew wrote his will and was buried in Horsham on the 20th April.  Katherine Gaston was his second wife as he'd been previously married to Anna Caverley. 
Son Benjamin had moved to Chichester and predeceased his father.  From Matthew's will we know Benjamin had a son and two daughters who did benefit from Matthews will. 
Stephen was not mentioned in his fathers will and as his own will was dated 1699 was probably long dead.  His will does not mention and wife and/or children so it is unlikely he had either.

Four of Matthew's children received bequests from his will:
Son Jacob was left 2s 6d.  
Thomas was left 20 shillings and his daughter Rachel got another 20 shillings.
His only daughter Sarah, wife of Ralph Constable, was left £5 
His son Matthew, most likely to have been his eldest son, was the main beneficiary, being left all goods, chattels and personal estate once all the expenses and legacies were paid out.  He was also named executor of the will.

Other beneficiaries were:
Daughter in law Katherine - the widow of Daniel who was left £50 although £30 was deducted (to repay the money Daniel had borrowed) and the remaining £20 was to be used to bring up Daniel and Katherines five children.
Son in law Thomas Borer was also left £11 to be used to pay off his debts.  I have not as yet identified Thomas or his relationship to Matthew, Matthew only had one daughter so Thomas is not a son in law in the modern use of the relationship.
Elizabeth Rice, his kinswoman, is left 20 shillings.  She also, has not been identified with any confidence although I am quite sure she is not a sister or another daughter.

Dorothy Caffyn, Matthews sister in law, is also mentioned.  It appears that Matthew was already paying her an annual sum from a legacy (presumably from his brother William, her husband) and he makes it clear that his beneficiaries are to continue to make the £9 a year payment to Dorothy.

Wills are very useful when researching families, even more so with nonconformist families where other records are missing.  Matthew's will and those of his children help to build up better picture of the family.  

In the name of God Amen I Matthew Caffyn Sen[ior] of Broadbridge
in the parish of Sillington[1] in the county of Sussex beeing aged and weak in body but
through the goodness of God of a sound mind &  good understanding Doe
 therefore write and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner &
forme following revokeing all former Wills by me at any time made I
 give & bequeath as follows Impris unto my son Jacob Caffyn the sum of Two
Shillings & Six pence to be paid him by my executors hereafternamed Item
I give & bequeath unto my son Thomas Caffyn the sum of Twenty Shillings
to be paid him within Twelve months next after my decease Item I give &
bequeath unto my Daughter Kath: Caffyn Widow late wife of my son
Daniel Caffyn dead the sum of ffifty pounds & my will & meaning further is that
there shall be Thirty pounds deducted out of the said ffifty pounds which said
Thirty pounds I lent to my Son Daniel Caffyn in his lifetime & the remainder
 of the said ffifty pounds to be paid out after the best manner for and towards
the bringing up of the ffive Children of my dead Son aforesaid Item I give &
bequeath unto my Son in law Thomas Borer the sum of Eleven pounds
towards the paying of his debts  It[em] I give & bequeath unto my Kinswoman 
Elizabeth Rice Twenty Shillings It[em] I give & bequeath unto my Daughter
Sarah the wife of Ralph Constable of Warnham the sum of ffive pounds
to be paid to herself or her heires or assignes within Twelve months next
after my decease  It[em] I give & bequeath unto Rachell Caffyn the Daughter of
my Son Thomas Caffyn the sum of Twenty shillings to be paid her within
the space of 12 months next after my decease It[em] I give and bequeath unto
my Three Grandchildren the Son & Daughters of my Son Benj: Caffyn deceast[2] 
of Chichester the sum of Six pounds & which said Six pounds shall lodge &
remain in the hands of my Executor & to be layd out towards the bringing
up of my said Three Grandchildren as my Executor aforesaid shall think fitt
& my Will & meaning further is that whereas I am engaged to pay Dor:[3]
Caffyn widow formerly the wife of my brother William Caffyn deceast [2]
the sum of Nine pounds p[er] anum during her naturall life that whatsoever mony 
appears to be due to her the said Dor: Caffyn of the yearly payment at my
decease shall be taken out of the Legacies by me given to p[er]sons] aforesaid
& out of the money or benefit that my Executor may have by virtue of this my
Will & that each p[er]son shall pay to the said Dor: Caffyn during her na[tur]all life
according & in proporcion to what I have given them It[em] all the rest of my 
goods ch[at]ells & p[er]sonall Estate whatsoever my funerall charges Debts Legacies
first paid & discharged I give & bequeath to my son Matt: Caffyn of Horsham
whom I doe appoint to be the sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And 
lastly I doe hereby appoint my loving friends Edward Stanley, John Herriott and Richd  
Dendy of Horsham to be Overseers of this my last Will & Testament where unto
I have sett my hand & seal this Twenty Sixth  Day of April in the year of our
Lord God 1714:- Matthew Caffyn
[Transcribed by Allison Caffyn]

[1] Sullington
[2] deceased
[3] Abbreviation for Dorothy